Here you will find shipping updates. Please keep in mind I am just a one woman shop and the turnaround time is typically 7-21 business days. Thank you so much for your patience!
Feb 10: Currently working orders with no pre ordered items (besides Cali Kindness) and am on a batch through to Jan 18th. I'm expecting to start mixing Advent pre orders late this week and pause packing around the same time to mix and pour PPU.
Feb 1: Currently working orders with no pre ordered items am working a batch through to Order #10667. I've made the batch of Cali Kindness so after this batch of orders, I will be working orders with no pre ordered items besides Cali Kindness.
Jan 30: HHC has been completed and is on it's way to HQ!
Jan 28: Pausing order fulfilment to work on HHC.
Jan 20: Currently working through orders with no pre ordered items.
Jan 16: Pausing order fulfilment to work on PPU shipment.
Jan 15: Stockist orders have been complete and PPU is on the way to HQ. I'm currently working on orders placed through 12/27. I should be getting to the overpour orders by early next week.
Jan 5: We’re expecting quite a bit of snow on Jan 6th so any orders with labels but not in the hands of USPS yet will be picked up Jan 7th depending on snow conditions. I will be shifting my focus from customer orders to stockist orders for a few days this week.
Jan 1: I'm currently packing orders placed through the end of Nov 29th - early Dec 1st with pre ordered items. I anticipate getting through the rest of the Black Friday orders (with pre orders) by the end of the week.